- ABOUT THE BOOKBuilt upon decades of rigorous field and laboratory testing and experience, Sustainable Practices for Landfill Design and Operation provides an authoritative examination of the critical functions involved in operating municipal landfills more sustainably. The authors address such issues as planning, case studies, liquids addition, biogas collection, operations, monitoring, economics, and energy considerations across 19 chapters.Critical Performance DataThe book presents more than 100 detailed plots demonstrating practical and theoretical performance data for multiple facets of sustainable landfilling technologies, including liquids addition systems, leachate collection systems, and gas collection systems. Here we show a design chart for a vertical well for liquids addition.
- Book ContentsThe book includes rich content that spans the spectrum of important aspects of sustainable landfilling, with design, operation, and evaluation approaches applicable to sites worldwide.Waste and Landfill FundamentalsFoundational discussion of waste quantity, composition, and management.Site PlanningApproaches to plan for sustainable landfilling technologies, both at new sites and at existing facilities.State of the PracticeMultiple, detailed case studies from sustainable landfills operating throughout the world.Material Properties and DynamicsPhase relationships, moisture movement, gas movement, and solids movement at different stages of a landfill's life.Liquids AdditionTheoretical foundation and practical application of multiple liquids conveyance approaches, including surface systems and subsurface systems (vertical wells, horizontal wells, buried ponds and blankets).Leachate Collection and RemovalDesign principles, leachate production and head-on-liner predictions at sustainable landfills, in addition to addressing issues like clogging at the design and operation stages.Biogas Production, Enhancement, and CollectionGas generation modeling, design and operational challenges, and strategies to safely maximize biogas production for emissions reduction and energy recovery.Operations, Monitoring, and ControlIntegrating sustainable practices into sanitary landfill operations, with tips on modifying operations plans, construction oversight and recordkeeping. Additional attention is paid to leachate quality, biogas quantity/quality, and landfill volume and topography monitoring.Final Closure and Landfill MiningEnd-of-life considerations for landfills and detailed considerations for sustainable tactics to employ including waste filling approaches and alternative cover systems. A detailed discussion of landfill mining design and operation is also provided.EconomicsDetailed presentation of sustainable landfilling economics based on operating facilities and engineering judgment, including major systems construction and operation costs, as well as an enumeration of economic benefits.Integrated Materials and Energy RecoveryApproaches to integrate disposal sites with broader sustainable materials management practices, including beneficially using landfill gas, integrating solar and wind power at landfills, and utilizing landfills as waste treatment and materials recovery systems, with an eye towards life-cycle management considerations.
- AuthorsThe authors drew upon their decades of combined experience to develop a comprehensive, research-driven text to provide sustainable landfill design and operation guidelines to a global audience to ameliorate the potentially negative consequences of municipal waste landfilling.Dr. Timothy G. Townsend, P.E.Dr. Townsend is a Professor of Environmental Engineering Sciences at the University of Florida. He has researched waste disposal activities and options for more than 25 years and has worked across the world researching and developing solutions to handle waste materials more sustainably through deliberate, controlled treatment and management.Jon T. Powell, P.E.Mr. Powell is principal of Innovative Waste Consulting Services, LLC, and a doctoral student at Yale University. He has worked extensively in the design and operation of bioreactor or sustainable landfills for more than 12 years, with a focus on gas emissions and composition, climate effects, and life-cycle impacts.Dr. Pradeep Jain, P.E.Dr. Jain has spent more than 15 years exploring and implementing concepts of sustainable landfilling part of his doctoral research and as principal of Innovative Waste Consulting Services, LLC. He is a global expert on fluid flow and dynamics in landfills and has published extensively across a wide range of sustainable landfilling topics.Dr. Qiyong Xu, P.E.Dr. Xu is a leading expert on gas emissions, control, and materials degradation and is an Associate Professor in the School of Environment and Energy at the Shenzhen Graduate School of Peking University.Dr. Thabet TolaymatDr. Tolaymat has been a researcher and engineer at the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Research and Development for more than a decade, where his research has focused on developing design guidelines for bioreactor and sustainable landfills, leachate quality, and gas production kinetics at municipal landfill facilities.Dr. Debra Reinhart, P.E., BCEEDr. Reinhart is the Assistant Vice President for Research at the University of Central Florida and has published numerous peer-reviewed manuscripts covering various facets of sustainable landfilling technology for more than 20 years.
- Front Matter and Table of ContentsThe front matter for the book is provided below, including the detailed table of contents. You can click here to purchase the book directly from Springer.
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